README for WS3 ================================================================================ This Matlab workspace contains all data which is necessary to perform a DPA attack with windowing. The following variables are stored in the workspace: - aes_plaintexts: AES plaintext bytes (1000x16) - traces_noDummy: power traces of an AES microcontroller implementation executed without insertion of dummy operations (1000x25000) - traces_withDummy: power traces of an AES microcontroller implementation executed with with random insertion of 0 or 1 dummy operations (1000x25000) - HW: a table that allows to determine the Hamming weight of a matrix of input bytes - SubBytes: a table that implements the AES SubBytes operation In total, 1000 traces with the corresponding inputs are in this workspace. All 16 input bytes are given. The traces correspond to the execution of at least the first AES round.